Saturday, November 28, 2009

So it Begins

I used to blog all the time. It was my attempt at keeping my thoughts recorded. However much of my fervor for posting has left me. I suspect it's all but disappeared because life has managed to get in the way. So much has happened since I first left the familiarity of my parents home 7 years ago and I've traveled paths that I never envisioned myself treading on. I think in the end I've come out of if for the better though. I've recently realized what was most important to me in my life. I've had certain affirmations and I now know more than I ever had before what I want to accomplish in this life and the life to come. Although it took some time to get there and it was a difficult journey, I'm grateful that I was blessed enough to have certain people (who I care dearly about) help me come to this conclusion.

So at this current moment I'm in Texas with family for the Thanksgiving holiday. It was an interesting one to say the least. My little brother Robert is on a mission so holidays for the next two years will be a little different. That was one of the things that things felt so different but another thing is I feel that holidays are morphing into something else now that we're all much older and we don't have a very big family. My close immediate family consists of my Two Brothers Robert and Richard, my sister in law Katy (Rich's wife), my parents, and then my Grandma and my Aunt Cheryl. My grandfather passed away over a year ago and my family on my mothers side is all passed as well. I don't have any cousins, never had, so I've never really had those big family holiday get togethers. Especially since the 5 of us (my brothers and parents) lived in Utah and everyone else lived in Texas and Tennessee. I guess as much as my family frustrates me at times it's nice to have them. I forget sometimes that I'm blessed to have them, ALL OF THEM in my life. I've learned many valuable lessons from all of them and for that I'm thankful.
I moved to Orem a little over a year ago and started going to school at UVU. When I moved down here I absolutely hated it. HATED IT! but that's because the type of life I was used to living was not what you would call great. I hated it so much last year that I tried everything in my power to not come back this year. But I did... kicking and screaming the whole way down pretty much. BUUUUUT I can say that I'm so glad that things didn't work out the other way. I've made so many amazing friends that have quickly grown in to close relationships. My roommates for one are some of the best anyone could ever ask for. We all are so different but we all manage to get along very well. It's always a luck of the draw when you're randomly assigned roommates. It just so happened I lucked out this year (after switching apartments that is) and ended up with some bomb -A- roommates. My neighbors are another story as well... "The Boys" as we call them in our apartment. They're amazing, upstanding, wonderful, gentlemen! A girl would be lucky to call any of them hers. There's one in particular that I am especially grateful for... he's helped me to see my true value and worth and for that I will be forever thankful. It's these relationships that I've been so blessed to have that have made my life so awesome this year. I'm so busy with school and my calling as FHE Co-Chair and my amazing friends that when I have any free time to do whatever I find that it quickly disappears with pure awesomeness. And I'm totally okay with that!
Well... that should do it for now.