Friday, April 29, 2011

well... so much for that!

In life, shit happens. In my life, shit happens A LOT! But that's okay because it's not the amount of shit it's the ability to keep as much of it from getting to you as possible that counts. I like to think I do a pretty good job of not letting the shit get to me. Of course that isn't always the case but when it comes to the big things I piss and moan for a few days maybe even a week but then I quickly find something to distract myself with.
For example, this semester started out rough. Lots of homework lots of hours at WORK work and no time to just be. I started seeing a fella in February, admittedly I was all kinds of giddy and excited. I had a pretty hard crush on this guy for a while and although there were times I couldn't stand the sight of his face (mostly due to a display of arrogance and inability to keep focused for more than 5 seconds) I still couldn't help but feel that nervous, "DUUUUURAAAAH... Heeeey ya" tongue tied feeling when I was around him. So when that first "let's hangout" barrier was broken or should I say bulldozed, it was freaking rad! It changed how I interacted with him and it was exactly what I needed to keep myself sane. It was not however what I needed to do well in school.
I spent far too much time trying to hangout with him with what little free time I had and what littler free time he had that I neglected to take care of the important things... SCHOOL! Freaking sack of balls! I did manage to kick some major ass in my math class thanks to my freakish love of numbers and my massive brain ;-) but everything else just went to shit. So lessen learned, don't break the first commandment of doing well in college. THOU SHALT NOT WASTE TIME ON SEXY BOYS! (NO MATTER HOW MUCH THEY MAKE YOU LAUGH). I broke this cardinal rule and now I'm paying for it. Literally, I'm going to have to take at least one class over if not two, there goes $1400 bucks down the drain. Along with it floating right there where the rest of the shit I've been through this month is said relationship with Mr. Attractive Distraction.
I could go into all the gory details of what went down and all the casualties (namely me) that resulted but I'll just leave it be. Well I will say this, some people are just really REALLY bad with timing. And also boys who get distracted easily also have a tendency to have wandering eyes, and lips, and hands... sometimes they wander all the way over to other girls. So... yeah that's that.
So up next will be a summer filled with some much needed activities that don't include any Attractive Distractions. It will be filled with the Maths which I so dearly love, rock climbing, yoga-ing ( I don't think that's really a word but we'll go with it), guitar playing, gigging out, working out, and anything that focuses on improving my health and my overall happiness, sans the boy toys. Which means I will be doing everything in my power to snuff out and smother any feelings I have left for him. Hopefully this process wont take long. Until then...

"this life is a beautiful one,
even though I've seen it coming undone
I know most definitely
it always works out the way it's meant to be
so baby keep your head up
keep it on the up and up
and know now that you've got all my...
love love love" ~tp

Saturday, April 2, 2011

#'s mean nothing

.... EXCEPT when it's your age and the number keeps getting bigger.

...... OH, and when you live in Happy Valley and happen to be single.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Count down....

To another year.... and so it begins. This year I'm not trying to make my birthday special for myself. If it happens it happens. I'll be content if my friends and I are having a good time just hanging out together. I don't want to think about school, work or the dating/not dating/whatever the hell you'd call it, situation.
I'm re-evaluating expectations and excepting all things and being present to what is going on now. Not what went on or what could go on... just what is. Relax and enjoy the ride... BRING IT!