Thursday, August 25, 2011

Out of Sight Out of Mind

The more you're away from someone that you used to have a connection with the easier it is to let them slip into the back of your mind. It also becomes easier to believe the lie that you're telling yourself "he treated me like crap, he never deserved how nice and sweet and caring I was to him in the first place" "I'm over it", etc... eventually you say those things enough that you believe them.
It is not easy however when you can't avoid this person. It's not as simple as it should be when you have to watch this person be unaffected by anything that took place over the course of your "relationship" and move so quickly onto the next thing. Having to endure his eyes that are full of hate and anger looking at me, having to shift through the silence between the two of us when we are unavoidably near each other is like a black hole that can suck out any happiness or joy that I've felt that day. It becomes something tangible that I can feel in the pit of my stomach that I can't will away as desperately as I try it creeps in and begins to thrash around destroying everything in it's vicinity.
I know logically that it wasn't a good relationship. I know that it was all very one sided and that I was making most of the effort and that I was so willing to see past HUGE red flags because I was optimistic.. or maybe I was just foolish.
Either way when I lay all the evidence out and examine it it's clear to me that it was a toxic relationship and I lost my mind and was always stressed out about never knowing if things were going to be up or down that week. If I texted him or called him would I get a reply, or would there be radio silence, sometimes for days and days. If I got too playful would it be reciprocated? If I wanted to snuggle up and be close would I be pushed away? If I mentioned that I was hurt or frustrated by all these things would that freak him out even more because being hurt means there's some kind of attachment and emotional investment coming from my end?

My amazing little brother has the ability to put the most amazing perspective on things when I can't seem to see through the pain to figure out what to do. He said so simply one day that being angry about being hurt, avoiding, ignoring or trying to escape from those feelings will only make it worse. It only feeds into more negativity and more hurt and then more anger about being hurt. He said the best way to get passed it and get over it is to just be nice, treat this person like I would treat a friend that had never been anything more than just a friend. Rewind everything and go back to the way I interacted with this person before I threw my heart on the line and keep doing that until the hurt, frustration and anger all break apart and disappear.

I can't wait for the day when I feel nothing about him, it will inevitably happen, it always does. I just don't like the waiting game. I don't like the inbetween time when you're trying to get to that point of apathy when it comes to seeing their face or hearing their name. If I could have an "on" "off" switch I'd be golden. All in due time I guess.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Beefy goodness

I'm ready to get this next and final year under way! BRING IT ON BITCHES! I'm ready to kick some ass, get my piece of paper that says I'm qualified for ________ career so that I can then take it and toss it aside and play my music. HA!
I want to live near the ocean, spend all day in hipster coffee shops or at the beach. I want to travel and see everything, but first... gotta get that damn degree. SOOOOOOOOOOON... SO SOON! I can almost taste it!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

giving up...

It really sucks when someone you used to care about thinks that you've done something to purposely hurt them. It sucks even more when you know that they're being lied to by someone else but they believe it to be the truth and consequently think that you're the one that's really lying. This is one of those moments in life where I just have to completely give up, on trying to have a friendship or any kind of normal interaction because they're going to believe what they want to believe regardless of what is true.
It's not the end of the world but it does suck! I don't know what else to do other than give up.