Saturday, May 26, 2012

So I sit with you

I find very little in this world is more troublesome to me than watching a loved one deal with heartache. Heartache that's caused by unavoidable, unforgiving life. Whatever it may be, addiction, cancer, loneliness, death, I want nothing more than to remove the cause of heartache. I feel inadequate and unable to convey how much I love and care for them and that I would do whatever they ask if it would lessen the pain and shit they're dealing with.
All my problems and crap that I'm dealing with seems so petty and inconsequential that it's easy to shake off. I stained my favorite shirt, I weigh 10 pounds more than I'd like, the boy I liked didn't pan out, it's all diminished once I place it on the scales with the unrelenting heartache of my loved ones. So I sit with them... By a fire listening to music, silence, soft sobs hoping it'll help at least a little.