Thursday, January 7, 2010

Really?!?! that's odd!

So, first day back for me except I didn't go. I hate HATE the first day. The syllabus is by far the most boring thing that gets discussed all year and I don't feel like participating when the majority of questions are going to be from the teens who are fresh out of high school. That and I have a legitimate excuse. I was up late the night before hehe. I didn't get home till 3 AM. I will blame that one on my very handsome boyfriend who left the country this morning. He was staying at a friends house in Salt Lake and I was still up that way from having dinner with my parents. That and I had to take a little detour on the way back to Orem to pick up my guitar from my awesome guitar duder guy! Guitar Czar is the best just FYI. Anywhoozle by the time I was done doing that the fella was already leaving Orem on his way up to Salt Lake so I figured I'd hang around and wait so I could see him and say good bye. By the time he got up to SLC at 11:45 I was already exhausted and ready for bed. Physically I could barely find the motivation to move, snowboarding for 6+ hours will do that to a person. So I get there and he see's how tired I am and suggests that I take a small nap before attempting to drive the 45 minutes back to my apartment. I agreed (I'm not about to give up an opportunity to snuggle with my fella) and quickly dozed off. 2 AM woke me with a jolt. I don't know why I just sat right up and was ready to go home. The nap was a good idea because my head didn't bob and I didn't blink my eyes longer than normal the whole way home. I climbed into bed and was out again. I knew there was no way I'd be up in time to go to class.
I got ready for the day and headed out to return a shirt that I got a week or two ago and to my pleasant surprised ended up getting two shirts for the price of one. I was browsing the rack to find a suitable exchange and I grabbed one a friend said looked nice, tried it on and decided it was the winner. When I took the shirt up to the counter the girl rang it up and said "do you want to grab another shirt cause this one rang up for only a penny?" I wasn't about to argue with her so I grabbed another one that I liked and voila two new shirts. WOOT WOOT!
Came home and then headed back out with the roommie and neighbor boy to see a movie. On our way back we hit up the ever so tasty Del Taco and then Spoon Me... can I just say that Spoon Me is DELICIOUS!!!! NOM NOM NOM. Whats even better is the one in Provo isn't full of scenester douchey annoying 19 year olds that just want to be seen like the down town Salt Lake one. Then it was back home. All in all it was a really good day.... except for one thing. He wasn't there. I hate when he's gone. He makes me so ridiculously happy and when he's not around it just sucks! what can I say... I'm in love with the guy!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

What a wonder a decade can make.

So it's a few days after the New Year has been rung in and I have to say looking back on the last 10 years has been interesting. 10 years ago I couldn't drive, it was my sophomore year in high school and sometimes I felt like 10 years away was an eternity away. Looking back is another story. I feel like I just barely left high school and all the friends and relationships with people that I had had. High school was fun and I have some really great memories from that time. When I think back on them the majority involve the same people. My friend Jenn and I got into more trouble and did some of the dumbest things I think any two teenagers can do without actually getting arrested. I'm sure we came close on several occasions though.
Since I graduated high school and began my college years (which are taking a REALLY LONG TIME) I started going to Utah State University right after graduation, did that for two years. It was during my second year up there that I received a guitar for christmas and decided that I wanted to start playing. When I started I didn't really know what I wanted to accomplish with the guitar I just knew that I wanted to play. Fast forward to a year and a half later and I played my first gig. I was HOOKED from then on. Since then I've been playing gigs and have traveled a bit to play. I've made some awesome friends and have had some pretty unbelievable experiences because of music. After I moved home from the two years of Utah State I began working so I could save up money to continue going to school at SLCC. I did that for a bit while I worked but while I was there I mostly took music classes, I didn't much care about my actual education. It hasn't been until a year and half ago when I started attending UVU that I really got back into the swing of things. I'm going to school full time now and trying to finish my degree in psychology as soon as possible so that I can then begin working on my Masters Degree. I'm enjoying life right now. WOOOT WOOOOT