Saturday, January 2, 2010

What a wonder a decade can make.

So it's a few days after the New Year has been rung in and I have to say looking back on the last 10 years has been interesting. 10 years ago I couldn't drive, it was my sophomore year in high school and sometimes I felt like 10 years away was an eternity away. Looking back is another story. I feel like I just barely left high school and all the friends and relationships with people that I had had. High school was fun and I have some really great memories from that time. When I think back on them the majority involve the same people. My friend Jenn and I got into more trouble and did some of the dumbest things I think any two teenagers can do without actually getting arrested. I'm sure we came close on several occasions though.
Since I graduated high school and began my college years (which are taking a REALLY LONG TIME) I started going to Utah State University right after graduation, did that for two years. It was during my second year up there that I received a guitar for christmas and decided that I wanted to start playing. When I started I didn't really know what I wanted to accomplish with the guitar I just knew that I wanted to play. Fast forward to a year and a half later and I played my first gig. I was HOOKED from then on. Since then I've been playing gigs and have traveled a bit to play. I've made some awesome friends and have had some pretty unbelievable experiences because of music. After I moved home from the two years of Utah State I began working so I could save up money to continue going to school at SLCC. I did that for a bit while I worked but while I was there I mostly took music classes, I didn't much care about my actual education. It hasn't been until a year and half ago when I started attending UVU that I really got back into the swing of things. I'm going to school full time now and trying to finish my degree in psychology as soon as possible so that I can then begin working on my Masters Degree. I'm enjoying life right now. WOOOT WOOOOT

1 comment:

  1. The really interesting people are those whose life-path has not been straight. They have the best stories!

    Masters in clinical, research, or industrial psych?
