Sunday, February 7, 2010

Procrastination at it's best.

At this very moment I should be writing my paper for my English class.... "Why I Live Where I Live", it should be simple right?!?! WRONG. I'm going through my memory banks and thinking about all the steps that lead me to live here in Happy Valley. How I went from being a party girl hanging out at bars and living it up to being the Family Home Evening Chairman in my ward. I've gone from feeling like a complete stranger here in Orem to feeling like this is home (for the time being). I enjoy spending time with the friends that I've made down here and love the crazy things we do and the type of living situation we have. It's very much like the show friends. The boys live two doors down and they're always walking our apartment or we're walking into theirs. Knocking is usually a foreign concept when it comes to entering each others apartments. Having an awesome group of friends has definitely made this year bearable. Last year I took every opportunity that came my way to drive the 45 minutes to Salt Lake to spend my free time hanging out with fair-weather friends at the bar. Saturday mornings with my friend Natalie are probably the only thing I miss about going up to Salt Lake. I pretty much had a good time every time I hung out with Natalie. We went to the bars a lot but my favorite part was just hanging out doing girly stuff on the weekends. Plus her little dog Trooper is probably the 2nd cutest dog ever... the first being my pup Duchess =)
With the changes that have recently taken place in my life I would have to say that while there are times that I miss the social atmosphere and the good times that come along with a few casual drinks here and there, I really like the solid friendships that I'm cultivating now.
Oye... I think I've written as much mushy stuff as I can possibly handle for the time being.
Jax OUT!

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