Friday, May 27, 2011

Douche Magnet...

Why? why do I put up with crappy people? How is it that when they're being nice and sweet and paying attention to me I can forget how shitty it is when they ignore me or are cold and aloof. I'm reaching the end of it. I'm not going to waste my time on someone who doesn't give two flying shits. Seriously?! Maybe I've been too nice, too sweet, too patient... I had a guy ask me out and I said no cause I didn't feel okay about going on a date with another guy when I've been seeing him... even though he freaks out once a week about the whole "relationship stuff" and he can go several days without so much as a hi how was your day text. So why am I wasting my time on someone that barely seems interested when there's a guy who seems very interested wanting to go out. Why? I don't effing know why other wise I would have told him to go screw himself and not wasted any time on him. GRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Isn't that pause between the end of spring semester and the beginning of fall semester supposed to be fun?! ... what's it called again?!?! oh yeah, summer "break", no wait that's not right, there's no break for me... so it should really just be called summer early morning classes/work right after/homework after work work/ no time for sleep. Yeah, that's pretty much what it is. So much for the damn break. I don't get one. I'd like one but then I think I would most likely get bored. It's funny when people get confused when I tell them I can't hang out because I have homework, "didn't school get out like 2 or 3 weeks ago?" why yes, yes it did.... if you aren't a complete MORON and taking a full summer semester. FML!
No time for relaxing or boys, or anything that would even be considered fun... just math, more math, smelling like beef, overly loud country music, and once again NO SLEEP!

Someone come rescue me!

Monday, May 9, 2011

I like this

Fellas: women have been hurt in the past, your job is to be steady, consistent & to show up. She will give her heart to the man she trusts.