Thursday, May 19, 2011


Isn't that pause between the end of spring semester and the beginning of fall semester supposed to be fun?! ... what's it called again?!?! oh yeah, summer "break", no wait that's not right, there's no break for me... so it should really just be called summer early morning classes/work right after/homework after work work/ no time for sleep. Yeah, that's pretty much what it is. So much for the damn break. I don't get one. I'd like one but then I think I would most likely get bored. It's funny when people get confused when I tell them I can't hang out because I have homework, "didn't school get out like 2 or 3 weeks ago?" why yes, yes it did.... if you aren't a complete MORON and taking a full summer semester. FML!
No time for relaxing or boys, or anything that would even be considered fun... just math, more math, smelling like beef, overly loud country music, and once again NO SLEEP!

Someone come rescue me!

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