Friday, May 27, 2011

Douche Magnet...

Why? why do I put up with crappy people? How is it that when they're being nice and sweet and paying attention to me I can forget how shitty it is when they ignore me or are cold and aloof. I'm reaching the end of it. I'm not going to waste my time on someone who doesn't give two flying shits. Seriously?! Maybe I've been too nice, too sweet, too patient... I had a guy ask me out and I said no cause I didn't feel okay about going on a date with another guy when I've been seeing him... even though he freaks out once a week about the whole "relationship stuff" and he can go several days without so much as a hi how was your day text. So why am I wasting my time on someone that barely seems interested when there's a guy who seems very interested wanting to go out. Why? I don't effing know why other wise I would have told him to go screw himself and not wasted any time on him. GRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH.

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