Thursday, October 6, 2011

Things that are beautiful!

I love organic looking jewelry, I'm not a huge fan of sparkly, super shiny blingy type things. I like understated classy but occasionally quirky and always unique items
I love to cook as well, I enjoy being healthy and I feel that the best way to do that is to know what is in the food you're eating and how it's prepared. Best way to do that is make it yourself. New recipes are fun to try! However I don't like cooking for just one, I love to make meals for others, the more the merrier! MUSIC! of all kinds, I love what it does! But acoustic guitar, singer/songwriter, lyric driven music hits me in the center of my heart!
Anything that inspires creativity! Creativity is the foundation of who I am. It fuels my passion for life.
and a few randoms that make me smile... eyes.
A romantic heart. an open heart. the little quirks that people try to hide from others because they want to appear "normal", when a boy pays attention to my little quirks and only likes me more because of them not in spite of them. dancing uninhibited, rain, trees, the beach MOUNTAINS snow sun small little kisses on my forehead the beautiful smile of a friend
sushi, books, coffee shops, friends, traveling, new places, new experiences. LIFE!

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