Saturday, March 3, 2012

Apathy cures what ails you

You know whats great about apathy? Lots of things! For example it can aid you when you're going to meet someone important for the first time. If you are apathetic towards the persons importance and the situation in general chances are you're not going to be nervous and do something stupid and awkward. It can also prove useful when you're playing a game, any game really,including the romantic kind. In game playing if you don't care about the outcome, score, or whether you win or lose TA-DA you've already won. I've been a little apathetic lately about certain aspects of my life and it's been kinda nice! Not having to worry about things makes life so much simpler. And that's most definitely what I need. What I don't need is drama, wishy-washy people, fair weather friends, social obligations, and so on and so forth. When I feel even the slightest hint of anything that would add unnecessary stress to my life I'm just going to simply and quietly remove myself from that situation or person and let my apathy be my guide. This in no way means I'm not going to be open to new opportunities but I'll definitely be approaching them differently. Instead of hoping I make a good first impression or get a high score or perform the best I will only concern myself with my own well being and then let everything else happen as it may. So hopefully I can conquer those stupid feelings of jealousy, frustration, shame, fear, or what else have you and replace them with bit of apathy.

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