Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ahhh The dating game

So... I had no idea how serious everyone was about dating down here in Orem until I started getting off handed comments when my age was revealed to my classmates.
Sample conversation:
person: whats you're major?
me: psychology, I plan to go on and get my masters.
person: oh that's really cool. What year in school are you?
me: Junior.
person: How old are you.
*here's where it gets interesting for me...
me: how old would you think I am?
person: I don't know maybe 21, 22.
me: I'll be 26 soon.
person: WHOA?!?! REALLY?! NO WAY?! I would've never guessed. Are you married?

This is just an example of the way many conversations I've had this school year. More often than not the conversation then takes a turn to marriage and if I'm dating anyone or if I want to get married... etc. I guess I didn't realize till this year that in Utah, (especially in Utah County) if you're female, single, and passed the age of 23, you're a rare and usual specimen. It makes dating interesting as well... I find myself dating guys who are 2-3 years younger than myself and for the most part it's not that big of a deal but at times I feel at odds with things. I would have to say that for me being almost 26 and single isn't a big deal. It's only become a big deal this last year when I've been informed of how unusual and uncommon it is. I enjoy the comments that people give when they think I need to be comforted, as if I'm in emotional turmoil because of single sister status.
Dating seriously is another thing that I've never really thought about until this year. Before when I would date a guy it was mostly just for fun. I knew that it would never really go anywhere because they were guys I'd meet at house parties or bars. Now that I've been considering things a little more seriously the guys that I've been dating appear differently to me, I see the whole dating game in a different light. I've learned a few things recently.
* I want to get married in the temple
* I want my husband to have the preisthood
those are the two main qualifiers the rest of this list is just things I'd prefer... a shopping list of traits if you will.
* I would like to be able to wear 4 inch heals and have him still be taller than me (or at least the same height) being 5'10 myself makes this one a little more difficult to find. I had it once and it was AWESOME!
* I would like him to sing and play the guitar... why? because I'm a sucker for a musician!
* He needs to be funny and have a similar warped sense of humor to mine and my family. My brothers talked about the kinds of tricks they can do with their male parts one year during Christmas dinner... that should give you an idea of how "warped" I'm talking here. I recently dated a guy that made me laugh ALL the time... I was seriously considering in investing in some adult diapers because I was sure that at some point he would make me laugh to the point of peeing my pants!
* He needs to be into exercising and eating healthy. I don't want to be a fatty, have a fatty husband or fatty kids!!!
* I would like to be able to share my musical interests with him.
* He MUST like sushi!!!
* I'd prefer him being open to living in Cali... particularly San Diego.
* Enjoys traveling

These are mostly minor things that aren't deal breakers but I do enjoy these qualities. What sucks is when you find someone with all of these qualities and everything matches up and there's an amazing physical chemistry as well and yet... it just doesn't work out. I can't blame him for doing what he felt was right but... still sucks! I felt super comfortable with him, laughed all the time, jammed... it was good.
oh well this is just part of the process of sifting through everything to find the ones that compliment me the best...

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'm 6'2, I sing horribly, but I do play guitar, and while I can't do both at the same time, I could try, and I think I can handle the humor. Wanna date? No? uh, k, was worth the try...
