Monday, October 11, 2010

Time keeps on slippin slippin slippin into the future...

The fifth floor of the library here at UVU is a lovely place to study. I have a few spots on this campus that I find conducive to getting the academic juices flowing, the library is my GO-TO spot. Down stairs in the lunch table/cafe' area is a good one because it provides enough ambient noise that I don't get distracted by or hyper focused on minute noises... like my own breathing. There's also the second floor of the library at the top of the ramp, the tables and seating there are great and there's plenty of sun light. The sunlight at times can be quite annoying though depending on where your sitting and if you're on your computer. If you're sitting in the cafe area at about 3 or 4 in the afternoon then you're going to be bombarded with sun DIRECTLY shining on your computer screen making it very difficult to see what you're working on. However the heat balances out the freezing cold temperature UVU has dictated that the library must maintain at all times regardless of the outside temperature. For a while I tried studying on the 4th floor or the library but found out quickly that 55 degrees was just far too cold for me to be able to concentrate properly. Also it's so dang quiet there that the tap tap tap of my laptop key board is so loud I feel like I might as well be banging on a marching band type drum... I feel as though everyone is secretly harboring feelings of animosity because my typing is so loud, I guess I could do my facebooking in a not so studious part of the library. The fourth floor is designated strictly for those doing homework via paper. So here I sit on the 5th floor, I feel like Goldy Locks, I've found my not too hot, not too cold, just right study spot. Plus the view of the lake from up here is kinda nice too.
I've been restless lately, I feel like there is something bothering me but I can't really pin point what. It could be partly because I'm feeling more and more disconnected with my ward, which is probably my fault but I find it difficult to relate to or develop close friendships with people who've JUST graduated high school. Lately I've been wanting more and more to have an apartment to myself, no roommates, just me. Not that I don't like my roommates but I just kinda want my own space to govern as a dictatorship and not live in a democracy. Just me and my puppy Duchess in a place where I can have things just the way I like it. Knowing me though I'd probably get lonely really quick and want someone else living there just so I wouldn't get bored. Who knows maybe I'm just feeling reclusive lately and need a change of pace to shake things up... now that I think about it I could definitely use a good shaking, I am willing to accept offers from handsome fellas for the task at hand!
I'm feeling the time crunch of an impending 8 page paper... of course I've waited till the last minute to work on it. I tell myself every semester that I will get ahead and do everything before hand annnnnnnd it never happens. GRRRRR I'm trying to change habits of procrastination but I just keep putting it off. Maybe someday I'll be super girl getting things done ahead of time. But for now the clock is ticking down and I've got 8 pages of personality profiling to fill.

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