Monday, November 22, 2010

I keep getting this feeling that I should start mentally preparing myself for the next Phase of my life. I keep having the strong desire to pay off every little bit of debt I have and by little bit I really mean little bit. I owe less than $500.00 total not including student loans. I really REALLY hate debt of any kind. I hate knowing that the money I work hard for has to be used to pay someone else before I can pay myself.
Along with this feeling to get rid of my debt I also have the urge to save every penny I make waiting tables and hoard it all so I have at least 5K. I don't have anything particular that I need 5K for but the feeling is there all the same and I don't think I should ignore it. That being said I'm really enjoying working at Texas Roadhouse as a server. I think part of the reason is because I get to talk to people all day long and I work with some pretty cool people too. I'm saving up all the cash I get and stowing it away so I can feel super rich holding a huge wad of green!
The only down side to working so much is I have less time for school and even less time cultivating and maintaining my close friendships. It's great to have face time with complete strangers but it's surface and not like face time with close friends. For that reason and the fact that I feel a little over whelmed with school right now I'm a little stressed out, when I get stressed I seem to get sick, particularly with a cold. Maybe it's my body's way of slowing me down because otherwise I wouldn't be able to stop myself sometimes.
With that being said I'm looking forward to the last year of my undergraduate career ( and it's been a career for sure) I can't wait to be able to start Grad school, where ever that may be. All I know is I think I need to move out of Utah and go somewhere new for a while to do grad school. I am and will always be a city girl. Every new big city I visit makes me feel like I can do anything, I don't know why I feel that way but I do. I just want to go somewhere that is culturally different than Utah. I also want to TRAVEL. Ideally would like to travel with my husband but I don't know where he is yet but when I meet him I hope he's as fond of big cities and traveling and live music as I am. I also hope he likes The Big Bang Theory and Dexter!
Why am I talking about my husband?!?! I'm not even dating anyone... I feel like I'm rambling, it must be the cold medicine! Speaking of having a cold, Halls vitamin C cough drops are freaking DELICIOUS! I feel like I'm eating candy.
Okay, time to study for my math test.... I feel like the last year of school has been nothing but one big long math test study session.

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