Saturday, September 17, 2011


Dear you, yup you. If you could just go away that'd be great. This would all be much MUCH easier for me. I could stop dreading the days that I know I won't be able to avoid you. I would be able to squash thoughts of comparing myself to you and seeing a mountain of flaws. I could nurse this pit in my stomach that burns and screams at me and won't let me sleep. I could stop hoping that maybe someday it'll eventually all workout in my favor. I would finally be able to break passed that first barrier and begin to move on. You're not helping the situation. In fact your making it worse and I really wish more than anything right now, that you would just go away! I know it's selfish and maybe that's wrong of me but I feel like I deserve a little bit of selfishness after all this B.S I've been through.

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