Thursday, September 1, 2011

What a way to spend a Day

Yesterday was an amazing day, which was quite the lovely surprise. I was expecting gray clouds of emotional garbage to be following me around today but NO. The weirdness that was Tuesday night vanished in an instant once I left on a hike with my friend Brad. We had made plans to run away today and go have an adventure and an adventure is what we found. We hiked up to Stewart falls at Sundance Resort and while I was enjoying being outside I wasn't feeling well and hiking in the heat was the last thing I wanted to do. When we got to the falls it was more than a welcomed relief when the freezing cold spray was hitting my face. As soon as we approached the falls I was over come with the desire to go run through it and play in the waterfall... and I did.

I wanted to explore every part of that waterfall and just sit and relax and be calm and still.

On the way back down I couldn't help but not care about all of the drama that is surrounding my life right now. Everything I was worried about or couldn't stop thinking about just vanished completely... the only thing I cared about was how completely awesome it was to be in such an awesome place. The amount of wild flowers that were along the trails was something I failed to notice on the way up. Maybe I was so incredibly over run with thoughts of him or school or whatever it was that I literally couldn't see what was right next to me. I'm so glad that on the way down I was able to take notice.

At one point I stopped to take a picture of this rad looking flower and as I was holding my phone up to the flower a bee came and landed on my finger. Instead of freaking out and waving my hand around like a maniac until the bee was no longer a threat, I just stayed still, noticing how it tickled a little as the bee walked on my finger. After my little bee friend had explored my finger enough he flew off and immediately landed again on the flower that I was holding my phone up to take a picture of... I took advantage of this perfect moment that had presented it self and snapped away. It was probably one of the coolest moments of my entire life and it was such a simple little thing that occurred.

Yesterday was amazing and it's things like this that put all the other shit we deal with in life into a little better perspective.
I hope next time that I remember to stop and smell the roses. Or at least open my eyes to whats around me because opportunities like the ones I had today don't happen all the time. FREAKING AWESOME DAY! I was able to just enjoy my surroundings and LET GO!

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