Saturday, February 23, 2013

shut up brain!

So lately I've been plagued with thoughts, all kinds of thoughts. I wonder about my future and what it holds. I know that a large majority of my future is in my own hands but I still wonder. I wonder what direction life will take me once I graduate. Grad school? Marriage? Kids? I know that I've been feeling restless, unsettled, I've been feeing a longing for something that I'm afraid to acknowledge out loud that I will probably never have. I almost let slip my fears and concerns and thoughts early in the morning but kept it under wraps, well for the most part. I don't want to reveal how I really feel because I fear once those facts are placed before me, it will all come crumbling apart. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't what's going to happen, I have this looming fear that I'm the one that's going to get pummeled. oye.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Walking Dead...

Today is Sunday which means it's WALKING DEAD tonight. Since I work every sunday night I don't get to watch it until Monday when it makes it to my On Demand list. However I spend pretty much every sunday thinking about what would it be like if the zombie apocalypse did happen. I used to be terrified of zombies, I couldn't watch ANYTHING that had zombies in it. Then this new show "The Walking Dead" started and I was dating a guy who LOVED everything zombie. He wanted me to watch it with him so I obliged and could barely make it through the first 2 episodes. Even then I was watching through my fingers because my hands were over my face. Now that I've had more exposure I'm not terrified, I still wouldn't WANT the zombie apocalypse to happen but if it does I know I'd totally kick some ass! I'd make sure I had some nice stretchy jeans so I could run and move easily, I'd rock my favorite boots. Get myself a compound bow so I could be hardcore like Daryl. I'd probably also rock some dreads cause lets be honest aint no body got time for hair care when we be fightin zombies. Of course you'd have to have some pretty good knowledge of how to bust out a fire without matches. Make a shelter out of sticks, leaves, moss or whatever else is around. If I was really ambitious I'd probably try and build some kind of tree canopy, shelter cause aint no zombies climbin no trees! I think I'd probably pee my pants if the zombie apocalypse happened but then I'd swallow my fear grab a hold of my balls and kick some serious zombie ass!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

won't you be my neighbor...

awkward moment when the guy that lives 2 floors below you can be heard screaming dirty nasty things through your vents... pretty sure he is partaking in some dubious behavior whilst he'w watches interesting videos... It's always about this time of night on the weekends and he's pretty dang vocal. If only I had ear plugs... If only

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentines Shmalentines

I wish I was on vacation. I want to go somewhere warm, lets be honest I always want to be somewhere warm. I would be so happy if I lived somewhere that never got below 50. Sometimes this bitter cold that we have here feels like 1000 tiny little teeth biting at your skin, makes you lethargic, makes you want to hibernate under your covers... More than being on vacation I want to be on vacation with someone that is special to me, someone to share sweet tender moments with. Someone to kiss me on the forehead as a silent, sincere way of letting me know they love me. Reaching out as we're walking looking at whatever is around us and finding my hand and enveloping it with their own. Just being happy with someone who makes you feel electric inside. No I am not longing for this because Valentines day is literally hours away. I've never been big on Valentines day to begin with, never had someone that was important enough to me to feel the need to do something on Valentines day. I did have one Valentines day that ended with the start of a tumultuous relationship. That was when the charmer with the silver tongue and I began our little back and forth dance that lasted for longer than I care to remember. After a long day of work, serving others I got home and showered thinking I'd just crash and watch some TV but found myself hauling my guitar to his place after a few flirty texts back and forth. So I don't necessarily have a good track record when it comes to Valentines day. The girl in me though would love to have that stereo typical Valentines day where I get some cheesy flowers and something that sparkles... lol I've never gotten jewelry before as a Valentines gift and I think I've only ever gotten real jewelry from my Dad on my 18th birthday. I guess thats the kind of gift that you only get when the relationship is pretty serious... Never been in one serious enough to warrant something like that I guess. There is someone that I wish I could see on Valentines day or anyway actually for that matter! It hurts that I don't get to have him a part of my life on a daily basis. It's ridiculous how much I miss him! I miss talking to him the most. I miss sitting listening to music for hours sharing something that we're both passionate about. sigh...

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Family photo flash backin

found some family photos that I had never seen before.... some of them are just adorable some made me laugh so hard I was almost crying...
AAAAWWWWEEE how adorable... New born me... I like to think my new born niece looks a little like me...
However newborns look almost all the same to me anyway sooooooooo I guess maybe the similarities are that we're both squishy babies in these pictures.
This picture is not the greatest quality but the memories behind it are SOOOOO awesome. My grandfather, or Daddan as we called him, owned a boat shop down in Ft. Worth called Fore and Aft Marine. This is a picture my my older bro Rich and I in the Run Tank. A run tank is where they'd wash down the boats and check the motors in the water to make sure everything was working correctly. Occasionally Daddan would change the water and clean out the run tank so Rich and I could go swimming... sometimes the guard dogs would join us. It was always fun and I remember LOVING ever second of it! Daddan would also open up his vending machines and let us grab a drink and snack. My favorite was a root beer and Moon pie oooor those cheese crackers with peanut butter. Good times!
this one is just funny, me sitting back like a boss eatin some cake.. haha
Gramps and I...
Older bro dressed as a cowboy.... SOOOOOO glad my parents got over the Themed photos by the time I came around!!
Rich just being hilarious... watering the lawn.. lol
My older bro Richard A. Campbell the 2nd, Dad Richard S. Campbell, and Gramps Richard A. Campbell 1st .... this picture made my heart so happy. All 3 generations of Richards in my family together, smiling, happy... <3
I've got the most amazing brothers that any girl could ask for!!!
Until I was about 12 years old whenever my older brother and I were out together people thought we were twins... I never understood why but looking through some of the family pictures I can see it now. I used to make us SOOO mad, especially Rich since he was 2 years older than me... lol
And this last photo had me laughing soooo hard, and the more I look at it the funnier it gets. I don't know what was going through my head, if I was posing for the photo or if I was just hanging out like a BOSS, leaning against the fence all nonchalant, blowing a bubble, rocking out to my boom box... SERIOUSLY... I was such a weird kid!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

I miss you

There's no way around it. There's no way to extinguish it. I miss you! I miss our endless conversations about anything, everything and nothing at the same time. I miss how happy you made me every single day. I miss how excited I would get whennmy phone would go off and I'd see your name on my screen. I feel empty and dull without our interactions. This sucks! I hate it! I miss you!

Trying something new

Today I'm gonna pluck and strum around on my little bro's uke... See what I can teach myself ....

Friday, February 8, 2013

Stupid nuts making my face blow up!!

Why do I keep hoping that I'll come home from work and be surprised and see the one thing I want more than anything right now? I feel like there's something missing, I know exactly what it is... That little electricity, buzz of excitement I'd feel when my phone would go off. That's gone. I hate it. The silence is torture....
On a side note I was offered some chocolate from See's candies tonight at work which was awesome, LOVE it when I get free candy. I'm pretty careful when it comes to candy and chocolates and desserts to always check and make sure there aren't any walnuts, pecans, cashews or Brazil nuts in them. A cherry Bon Bon seemed innocent enough so down the hatch it went... Well it must have had a tiny piece of nut on it somewhere cause 30 minutes later and my eyes were swelling up and my throat was starting to feel tight. Luckily I had my epi pen in my bag.... However I dropped it and the spring loaded part that injects the medicine broke... Sooooooo I had to rush home to find my back up and use that. Those bad boys cost $70 a pop... So basically tonight was a bust cause I just used up 140$ of epi pen... Uuiuuuuuuuugh. I need a good snuggle.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Music is...

Music is my therapy. Music fills me with whatever could be lacking. Music calms troubled thoughts. Music helps me express what I can't articulate with words alone. Music centers me. Music heals. Today music is my companion and is serving as a blanket and snuggle buddy. Today music is filling in for something I've had to let go of and completely walk away from. Today music is everything.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Trash trash trash

Yesterday was a day, that's for sure. Emotional roller coaster, the reasons don't matter but let me just say my heart was uneasy, my mind was uneasy, everything was just a big ol' pile a poo.
When I got to work I didn't want to take my head phones out, didn't want to talk to anyone, didn't want to deal. To top my evening off I had to deal with a falling down sloppy drunk at my bar top and one of my regulars offering me money in exchange for showing him one of my nipples... Nothing like having someone even think that, that's an okay thing to ask. Being treated like a piece of trash whore was the topper on the whole shit cake....
Glad yesterday is over....

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

You should always listen to your inner Jiminy Cricket

It's time to be smart, listen to the little voice that was saying "maybe you shouldn't do that". Acknowledge that there's a reason that voice is telling you that before you do something really STUPID! Sometimes you can't control who you have feelings for, but you can control whether you allow yourself to develop more deeper feelings... and sometimes it's necessary to nip it in the bud before you're in too deep. Sometimes those decisions are made easier for you because it's the only option, there is no other choice, it's been made for you. Whew... having that decision taken out of my hands makes it all the easier to let go and continue on. I felt uneasy and uncomfortable in the back of my mind, almost for the entire duration... I told that little voice "shut up I know what I'm doing" but I didn't. I'm glad that it's over before anything could've happened. Now... put my head down, concentrate on whats important, and CARRRRRRRY OOOOOONNNN