Friday, February 8, 2013

Stupid nuts making my face blow up!!

Why do I keep hoping that I'll come home from work and be surprised and see the one thing I want more than anything right now? I feel like there's something missing, I know exactly what it is... That little electricity, buzz of excitement I'd feel when my phone would go off. That's gone. I hate it. The silence is torture....
On a side note I was offered some chocolate from See's candies tonight at work which was awesome, LOVE it when I get free candy. I'm pretty careful when it comes to candy and chocolates and desserts to always check and make sure there aren't any walnuts, pecans, cashews or Brazil nuts in them. A cherry Bon Bon seemed innocent enough so down the hatch it went... Well it must have had a tiny piece of nut on it somewhere cause 30 minutes later and my eyes were swelling up and my throat was starting to feel tight. Luckily I had my epi pen in my bag.... However I dropped it and the spring loaded part that injects the medicine broke... Sooooooo I had to rush home to find my back up and use that. Those bad boys cost $70 a pop... So basically tonight was a bust cause I just used up 140$ of epi pen... Uuiuuuuuuuugh. I need a good snuggle.

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