Sunday, February 10, 2013

Family photo flash backin

found some family photos that I had never seen before.... some of them are just adorable some made me laugh so hard I was almost crying...
AAAAWWWWEEE how adorable... New born me... I like to think my new born niece looks a little like me...
However newborns look almost all the same to me anyway sooooooooo I guess maybe the similarities are that we're both squishy babies in these pictures.
This picture is not the greatest quality but the memories behind it are SOOOOO awesome. My grandfather, or Daddan as we called him, owned a boat shop down in Ft. Worth called Fore and Aft Marine. This is a picture my my older bro Rich and I in the Run Tank. A run tank is where they'd wash down the boats and check the motors in the water to make sure everything was working correctly. Occasionally Daddan would change the water and clean out the run tank so Rich and I could go swimming... sometimes the guard dogs would join us. It was always fun and I remember LOVING ever second of it! Daddan would also open up his vending machines and let us grab a drink and snack. My favorite was a root beer and Moon pie oooor those cheese crackers with peanut butter. Good times!
this one is just funny, me sitting back like a boss eatin some cake.. haha
Gramps and I...
Older bro dressed as a cowboy.... SOOOOOO glad my parents got over the Themed photos by the time I came around!!
Rich just being hilarious... watering the lawn.. lol
My older bro Richard A. Campbell the 2nd, Dad Richard S. Campbell, and Gramps Richard A. Campbell 1st .... this picture made my heart so happy. All 3 generations of Richards in my family together, smiling, happy... <3
I've got the most amazing brothers that any girl could ask for!!!
Until I was about 12 years old whenever my older brother and I were out together people thought we were twins... I never understood why but looking through some of the family pictures I can see it now. I used to make us SOOO mad, especially Rich since he was 2 years older than me... lol
And this last photo had me laughing soooo hard, and the more I look at it the funnier it gets. I don't know what was going through my head, if I was posing for the photo or if I was just hanging out like a BOSS, leaning against the fence all nonchalant, blowing a bubble, rocking out to my boom box... SERIOUSLY... I was such a weird kid!

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